Ben (forever name Ambrose Too)
Ben's former owner was going to dump him in a field or kill him because he didn't want him any longer, so his son took him to a friend who contacted a rescue near them in Central California, who in turn contacted Sunny Saints. Ben was approximately 18 months old when he became a Sunny Saint. Ben was from a breeder batch and was the puppy that didn’t sell so he had been kept isolated in a kennel his entire life. He was talked to in Spanish and English, was hit with many things (many times) and because the original owners had no idea how to treat or train a dog, Ben was hit and yelled at a lot. This sweet boy, who was a little timid at first meeting (especially around men) would warm up quickly and completely trust those who expressed a kinder, gentler, interest in him. He got along well with other dogs and Ben's foster mom loved to tell us all on Facebook about how Ben would sleep through the night at the foot of her bed (with their Great Dane “McKenzie”) and loved to lounge on his bed in the living room most of the day and evening. Ben was fully housetrained, wouldn’t counter surf, demonstrated no food aggression and was introduced to Sue Kalina who knew she had to make her home Ben’s forever home! Congratulations to Sue and Ben! All of us at Sunny Saints wish you a lifetime of health and happiness together!
Update: March 18, 2012
Update: March 18, 2012
Ben is fantastic, cute, and silly, and has learned to put both front paws on the bathtub ledge - hopefully in preparation for a good bath someday!!! The neighbors come get him to play with their dogs so he has fun while I'm working. My first day at work he acted like he had separation anxiety but a big knuckle bone everyday for a week took care of that. Now he loves it when I leave...:)
He's gained weight nicely with 3 squares a day. I gave him raw tonight and I almost lost my arm... guess he likes that a lot!!! Although he gets his B.G. kibble soaked in my chicken soup almost everyday so he shouldn't find that less appetizing! He likes the cats but one of mine has figured out he can be a bully, so they both run from him. He jumps up and down on all fours when I get home from work. He loves his twin mattress by my bed. His jowl dermatitis from the elizabethan collar has healed beautifully. He has taken well to his own shed/doghouse which is fully carpeted and air conditioned.
Yup, he's a happy puppy!!! and I'm a happy mommy!!!
Update: April 30, 2012
Ambrose Too has a new friend to help him with his confidence which is growing daily. Now instead of running away when he seee men walking by, he barks as though he would protect his property, even though we know better! We need to leave that up to his new senior rescue from Arizona - an 11 yer old English Mastiff that was dumped at the shelter who now has a final chapter instead of an unjust end.