Bruno & Faith's Memorial
August 12, 2013
Sunny Saints Bruno and matriarch Faith died within 36 hours of each other. Faith passed of cancer on August 10, 2013. Near the end her battle, Bruno fell ill and passed not long after, early on the morning on August 12, 2013. It is hard to imagine the loss that owner's Rex & Debbie McDonald now feel, and our hearts go out to them.
Sunny Saints Bruno and matriarch Faith died within 36 hours of each other. Faith passed of cancer on August 10, 2013. Near the end her battle, Bruno fell ill and passed not long after, early on the morning on August 12, 2013. It is hard to imagine the loss that owner's Rex & Debbie McDonald now feel, and our hearts go out to them.
Cross safely, dear Faith and Bruno. You have truly been the shining stars in our lives and the lives of so many Sunny Saints, both canine and human. And although we shared Bruno's life for so short a span, he was forever to be Faith's soulmate.
Faith quickly learned to hide the "wild child" within to become the epitome of sainthood, earning "Canine Good Citizen" and more importantly, the love of everyone she met. Bruno came to us from another loving owner who loved him enough to give him up to another good home. We were lucky enough to claim him as ours, or maybe he claimed us. He met and introduced everyone who approached Sunny Saints to the safety, security and love that only a Saint can give. Both gave their gentle spirits to everyone you met.
Faith, you supported dear Griffin while he learned to balance himself to crawl holding a tuft of fur in each hand. Patricia, your trainer, called on you each time she had an unruly class to come supervise and perform your magic calming. You taught Pam and Pat, from their first puppy classes with Pearl, how wonderful having a Saint could be. And all of your family, who you taught that with "Faith" everything is possible.
Bruno, you wielded your way through testing so many Sunny Saints with your gentle nature and strong spirit. Each and everyone of those Saints will be forever grateful to you for helping prove to we humans that they too were worth calling Sunny Saint.
Thank you Faith and Bruno for helping at those many events where you taught what having a Saint Bernard could be to so many. Endless love, devotion and trust were your everlasting gifts to the McDonalds and Sunny Saints and for that we will be forever grateful. Bruno showed us from the very first minute that he loved Faith. Although they leave a large hole, they are together as soulmates, where they wanted to be.
- Rex & Debbie McDonald