Higgins is Sunny Saints' greatest love story. Found at a local shelter on Valentine's Day, 2011, three year old Higgins was clearly suffering from starvation as every vertebrae on his back was clearly visible above what little muscle he had left. If that wasn't bad enough, he had untreated demodex mange which left him covered with oozing sores, scabs and very little hair and caused extreme swelling in his legs and feet resulting in the skin on the tops of his feet to split open whenever he walked. We rushed him to our vet, afraid that he was too far gone to be saved, only to hear our Vet explain that Higgins heart and will to live was still strong so we left our Vet that day with our new Sunny Saint Higgins! In 18 weeks time, and with a lot of hard work and TLC on the part of his foster mom and our vet, Higgins gained 35 pounds (roughly 1/3 his body weight), his skin cleared up, and his fur began to fill in again. Higgins went from using every bit of his remaining energy to stay alive to being a good looking, warm, and social dog that loves to play with other dogs and meet new people. Good thing too, because shortly thereafter Higgins met his Forever Family and we hear they are all living happily ever after!
Update: February 22, 2011
Higgins was featured in an Orange County Register article!
Update: February 22, 2011
Higgins was featured in an Orange County Register article!