Alan & Annie Hoffman
The reason why we foster Saints is because of the St. Bernard we fell in love with. My husband and I rescued her when she was a year old while we were living in Scottsdale, AZ. The rescue there had just had surgery performed on her lame front legs, and boy was she a sweetheart! She had to slowly walk again and build her strength up, and we rejoiced when she ran for the first time, and when we found a food she could tolerate because of her severe allergies. We travel everywhere with her, and people love her gentle nature. We felt if we could rescue a magnificent dog like Princess, we would love to help other dogs in need, like she was, to find their forever home with a loving family.
A Foster Dog Poem
I am the bridge between what was and what could be
I am the pathway to a new life
I am made of mush,
Because my heart melted when I saw you,
Matted and sore, limping, depressed.
Lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.
For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.
I am made of steel.
Because when the time comes,
When you are well and sleek,
When your eyes shine,
And your tail wags with joy
Then comes the hard part.
I will let you go — not without a tear,
But without a regret.
For you are safe forever -
A new dog needs me now.
-Diane Morgan
I am the bridge between what was and what could be
I am the pathway to a new life
I am made of mush,
Because my heart melted when I saw you,
Matted and sore, limping, depressed.
Lonely, unwanted, afraid to love.
For one little time you are mine.
I will feed you with my own hand
I will love you with my whole heart
I will make you whole.
I am made of steel.
Because when the time comes,
When you are well and sleek,
When your eyes shine,
And your tail wags with joy
Then comes the hard part.
I will let you go — not without a tear,
But without a regret.
For you are safe forever -
A new dog needs me now.
-Diane Morgan