Mia Luna (forever name Mimi)
Sweet little Mia Luna is a 12 week old female Saint Bernard puppy that is looking for the perfect family and home to call her own. She is a cuddle bug that so far has not had an accident in her foster home and has gone outside to do her business. She will grow to be a big dog, so don't let her little size now fool you!
Congratulations to the Baugher family for adopting Mia Luna. We just know they will share a lifetime of love and happiness.
Update: August 21, 2012
Enjoy this video of Mimi running and playing happily in her backyard.
Congratulations to the Baugher family for adopting Mia Luna. We just know they will share a lifetime of love and happiness.
Update: August 21, 2012
Enjoy this video of Mimi running and playing happily in her backyard.