John & Erin Roderick
Got drool? Saint Bernards have been a part of the Roderick family for years and if you can't stand a little drool then they are not the right dog for you! Several months ago we were looking for a Saint Bernard to adopt for John's Dad. We stumbled across Sunny Saints and fell in love with Daisy, who has epilepsy. She had a sad story but now her life has completely turned around. She is probably one of the most spoiled dogs I have every met. We recently began fostering when we realized that there are so many beautiful dogs who need to learn to love, trust, and be a part of a family before they find their homes for life. We have three dogs of our own and it brings us great pleasure to open our home to these lovable giants in need of socialization, a little love, lots of attention and a safe place to sleep. When we picked up our first foster, Sophie, she was extremely malnourished, shy, and very fragile. Over several weeks we watched her blossom into an amazing dog. When we think about little Sophie's life before we saved her, we can only imagine what she might have gone through, and now we get to play an important role in the beginning of her new life. It is a lot of work but well worth it, especially when you look into those big brown eyes that say thank you, and I love you every time!
So they brought me to the shelter but were embarrassed to say why.
They said I caused an allergy, and then they each kissed me goodbye.
If I'd only had some training as a little pup.
I wouldn't have been so hard to handle when I was all grown up.
"You only have one day left," I heard the worker say.
Does that mean I have a second chance? Do I go home today?
-John & Erin Roderick
They said I caused an allergy, and then they each kissed me goodbye.
If I'd only had some training as a little pup.
I wouldn't have been so hard to handle when I was all grown up.
"You only have one day left," I heard the worker say.
Does that mean I have a second chance? Do I go home today?
-John & Erin Roderick