Jo's Memorial
March 15, 2013
Writing her memorial is the easiest thing to do given how wonderful Jo (formerly Sunny) was. It is easy to remember how soft her fur was, and how she would prance for a new squeaky toy. We had Jo for a little under two years. She was adopted as a senior dog and I never realized just how easy it would be to love her in such a short time, and how hard it would be to say goodbye. She was a wonderful guardian with our young daughter, a lover of cats, and a big fan of constant petting. When she would get excited, she would sit and her back feet would twitch and she'd raise her ears high - we called them her bat ears. She was not what we expected, but she was more than I could have hoped for. Rest well, my dear old girl, rest well.
'A friend is, as it were, a second self.'-Cicero
- Chelsey