Welcome to Sunny Saints first ever blog! We are happy you stopped by and hope you will return from time to time (or even subscribe to our blog by clicking this “RSS Feed”) to see what is going on in the world of our Sunny Saints! As most of you already know, Sunny Saints is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation committed to rescuing adoptable lost, abandoned, or surrendered St. Bernards and with that commitment comes a lot of frustration, passion, and enthusiasm that we hope to blog about in the coming months. Now we know what most of you must be thinking, and you're right! Sunny Saints LOVES Facebook so why would they venture into blogging? The short answer, we have a lot to say! The long answer, blog posts are more easily shared than Facebook updates and we know YOU have a lot to say too so yes, we all need both! Now we know we might regret this but we will actually be encouraging all of you to comment, agree, and even, on the rare occasion, disagree with what we have to say as well as provide topics of discussion, pats on the back for our Volunteers, and belly rubs for our Sunny Saints! That said, this blog is intended to be “family friendly” and comments which include offensive or inappropriate language (or considered by us to be rude and offensive) will be edited or deleted so play nice. Woof!!