Thanks to one and all for turning out at our 2nd Annual Sunny Saints picnic. Once again we were able to welcome many new families to our growing ranks. We missed some faces we had hoped to meet again and will look forward to seeing them next year.
There was a variety of games as well as good food for human and dogs and great picnic weather. All of our family and volunteers have begun posting their pictures on our Facebook page. If you have photos, please share them. If you were unable to attend, please enjoy the photos.
Saintly Tip: Several members asked about hot spots on their saints. We have used a natural product called Aloe Comfree to soothe our saints. It can be found at feed stores or online. The product is food safe.
There was a variety of games as well as good food for human and dogs and great picnic weather. All of our family and volunteers have begun posting their pictures on our Facebook page. If you have photos, please share them. If you were unable to attend, please enjoy the photos.
Saintly Tip: Several members asked about hot spots on their saints. We have used a natural product called Aloe Comfree to soothe our saints. It can be found at feed stores or online. The product is food safe.