We imagine that most of you (like us at Sunny Saints) are unaware that in its preparations for going public, Facebook quietly introduced a new algorithm that chokes our updates so that no more than 16% of our fans see our messages in an attempt to make us pay for its “Reach Generator” (a new service available with premium managed accounts). Seem unfair? Why should Facebook screen or otherwise filter messages users have requested? Answer: increased profits. How can you help? Visit our FB page frequently and push the “Share” link beneath our posts to help us to spread the word about dogs in need of rescue/homes!
The general consensus among the media is that you’re either going to love or hate your new profile and most of us already recognize that the more information that Facebook users share, the more valuable the site is for advertisers, which can then target ads to users with laser precision (even if you aren’t looking to buy anything while using the site). You have until March 30, 2012 to “voluntarily” implement the new Facebook Timeline and if you don’t make the changes yourself before then, your old Facebook page will automatically be converted into the new layout (and you might not like what you see). Better to plan for it and manage it now (while there’s still some time left) and whatever you do, don’t fall prey to scams that claim to be able to “remove” Timeline from your profile!
Love it or hate it, for the sake of our Sunny Saints who are counting on all of us, we hope that you will continue to support us on Facebook by navigating your way through the chaos & clutter (the heavy emphasis on visuals in this redesign is not lost on us as the cover photo and personal information alone consumes half the length of a maximized browser) to ensure that you not only see “our” posts, but the important posts made by “others” (our Supporters) .
We encourage comments below… Reminder: This blog is intended to be “family friendly” and comments which include offensive or inappropriate language will be edited or deleted.